We have regularly enforced the belief that happy and healthy employees brings enticing benefits to your business and it’s pleasing that the message is getting through. Aon’s 2017 Health Survey showed that just 96% of employers see a direct correlation between employee health and performance. The problem is, though, that understanding the issue and finding ways to implement ideas are two different things. It can sometimes feel like a minefield and many of us haven’t a clue where to begin. On ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, we have put together the following article to help get your business on the path to a higher productivity level.
Firstly, let’s explore the problem.
We’ll be honest. It doesn’t make for happy reading. According to CareerBuilder, 61% of employees are burned out on the job and the top five stress symptoms causing missed work days are constant fatigue (29%); sleeplessness (26%); aches and pains (245); high levels of anxiety (235) and weight gain (18%).
Whilst this is worrying, it can be transformed into a positive if you’re prepared to work at it. 91% of workers at companies that support wellbeing efforts said they feel motivated to do their best. Additionally, organisations that operate highly effective health and productivity programmes report that 1.8 fewer days absent per employee per year on average.
So, the stats speak for themselves. Workplace wellbeing simply cannot be ignored.
Provide extensive, healthy refreshments.
So what can be done on your part, then? Ok, being a vending company, of course we’re going to shout about the benefits of providing quality workplace refreshments. But without wishing to blow our own trumpet here, it’s true. Did you know that the average British adult consumes a third of their daily calories at work? It’s therefore vital that your business provides healthy and nutritious food to ensure they’re prepared for all aspects of the working day. Vending is a terrific option that has considerably developed over time to provide both the coffee shop experience and healthy, tasty snacks and fresh food. We can of course tailor the products to suit your requirements so vending serves as a great way to boost your wellbeing on the go.
The Micro Market takes wellbeing to the extra mile.
Seeing as around half of employees don’t leave the workplace at lunch time either, there is another option you can explore. It’s important that you encourage your staff to take a break from their desks, because too much time in their typical working environment can increase stress. Stress has been proven to make us more prone to making unhealthy food choices, so this is a benefit of our Micro Market. The foundation of the Market was built on the wellbeing of the workforce and encourages staff to take a well-deserved break with colleagues, This allows them to enjoy conversations that are less formal than what would usually be the case while they are at their desk.

Express refreshments micro market store
Instead of having to leave the workplace for something to eat, the Micro Market invites you into an array of refreshments for the working day and beyond. These include fresh sandwiches, wraps, salads and fruit and the scope of products regularly gets updated on the back of trends and customer feedback. It also decreases the chance of lost work time, as employees don’t have to worry about rushing back to work before their allocated time is up. As you’d expect, constantly being conscious of time may also encourage staff to visit fast food outlets, so the Micro Market provides the ultimate solution.
Are we now requesting flexible workplaces?
The purpose of this article is to both inform and educate and refreshments alone don’t provide the answer. The millennials of the working world in particular are craving flexibility with a strong desire for flexible working hours. Again, this will help combat stress in the workplace and could be something that is worth looking into.
Cost effective solutions.
Your budget is often one of the biggest stumbling blocks when trying to transform your workplace into an environment your staff are happy to work in. You have to be sure that you’re getting a return on your investment. A workforce that is both motivated and productive is arguably the best end result for you and your business. It was recently discovered that poor mental health costs employers up to £42 billion a year, so implementing methods that help to combat stress is surely a no brainer.
The post A happy and healthy workforce doesn’t have to be a complex task… appeared first on Coinadrink.
source https://coin-a-drink.co.uk/2018/08/a-happy-and-healthy-workforce-doesnt-have-to-be-a-complex-task/
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